So, I am doing this as an experiment, and I am posting for all to see. It's something in a way I should be ashamed of, maybe keep more private, but privacy isn't really my thing, and for some reason I think writing this all out will make me think twice before reaching in my wallet. If you live in New York you find it's a constant struggle for money no matter how much you are making, and it's a city of spending. Since moving here from Chicago in August 2003 I have talked about money, worried about money, and spent more money than ever before. I started keeping this journal a couple of weeks ago as a little project for myself, writing down EVERY little penny I spend, so I can see where my money goes. Living in the days of ATM's most of us no longer balance our check books, so I can look at this simply as an act of checkbook balancing, but it's also to keep myself in check. Maybe I will stop being a compulsive spender, cut certain things out of my life, or at least cut back, but really it's a great way to observe and see where it all goes...
Now I won't mention the amount of money I earn, a bit too personal, and also keep in mind this money I spend all comes out of the money I earn, nothing spent in this journal is on a credit card (i don't use one ever) thank god, or I'd be in serious trouble. So, enjoy my personal journal, and please try not to judge. Though you may say to yourself while reading this, why does she need to buy a $200 pair of boots, why the cabs home so often, and why does she spend so much money on cigarettes, maybe she should quit? Better yet, does she have a drinking problem, a shopping addiction, is she an over-eater, should we worry? Learn from it, enjoy it, and watch where my money goes this year!
This blog is inspired from other year long projects that I have seen evolve into great works of art. One being a year long series of polaroid self-portraits taken by my dear friend and talented photographer Stephanie Land. Also, great book I recently purchased as a gift for Rachel, by Tucker Shaw, Everything I Ate: A Year In The Life Of My Mouth . Now my journal begins, it was started on Sunday, October 16th, 2005.
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