Tuesday, April 11th, 2006
Coffee Settepani Bakery .75
Film Noir (Six Feet Under DVD) $3.25
It's no question I am going to have a late fee, i think the last time it was something ridiculous like $32.00 and the nice gentleman at Film Noir cut me a deal and slashed it down to like $20.00, maybe he felt sorry for me. So now that I have finished Season 4 of Six Feet Under I will have to put Season 5 on my Netflix queue, to avoid any unnecessary late fees. It's getting to be that time, Spring, and I need to get a bicycle, so it looks like a fun blog entry/purchase may be nearing...Heading to a traditional passover sedar tonight with a jar Gefilte fish! It's been a bit crazy in my life these days to write any anecdotal thoughts or rants about money, I apologize. Still trying to figure out how to pay my taxes, ugh the joys of claiming 1. Good short read in this week's New York Magazine, under Mating p.94, they ask "Which is worse: cheating on your tax return or messing around on your mate?" Now, I'm not a cheater, but sometimes wish I knew better how to cut some corners, and not have to pay this year. Oh well, better luck to me next year!
I'm so glad smokes only cost me 4.25 where I live!
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