Monday, November 14th, 2005
American Spirit Cigs $8.00
Well, don't hold me to this, but I think that's it for a while. I left the ones I didn't want to smoke on a stoop on Bowery for some lucky smoker to smoke. M and I smoked about 4 of them a piece while having drinks at Sweet and Viscious. We talked about quitting for a while, she's been in the process of quitting, and didn't smoke for 2 weeks, and I broke her last night...i've decided to give it a shot, and she's going to continue and be my support. I also realized that I was spending close to $200 a month on this dirty dirty habit, and if you only knew how much I could use $200 right now!
The day was on the cheap though, for I am on a spending freeze. I did get the pleasure of being invited along for M's birthday dinner with her Mom and her Mom's boyfriend at Lupa, one of Mario Batali's places, and the meal was incredible. We ordered a lot and shared stuff, meats like Testa, Salumi and Prosciutto, a nice simple pasta, oxtail starter, beets with a goat curd, brussel sprouts with pecorino and more. My dessert was this gigantic ball of chocolate and gelato. It was such a great dinner and a great time.
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