Sunday, February 26th, 2006
Bell Howell keychain camera (Overstock.com)24.99 Free Shipping!
This is why I have money issues, I spend it on stupid shit like this. I've been on the market for a new digital camera, especially so I can take real pictures for this blog, and not use clip art, images like this one with the hand model with a funny looking chubby thumb, and if you look close enough hairy knuckles.
Not even thinking, I should read the specs on this item before hitting "continue with purchase", but i just hit "continue with purchase". Then I read the specs on amazon.com (you can read them too, just open the amazon link), and most people tear it to pieces, and basically it's a one star piece of crapola.
Doug picked the book up Not Buying It for me on Friday night. I talked about it in a post a week or so past. Just getting into it, and hoping her experiment and observations make me think twice and change my consumerist ways.
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