Where it all goes, a spent journal

a young woman's year-long journal of the money she spends.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

Coffee settepani bakery .75
Sunac Food Market $14.48 (cigs, salad, perogies)

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

Coffee settepani bakery .75
American Spirit Cigs $8.00
Goodwill $35.55 (so much stuff)
Duane Reade (paper towels, kotex, razors)

I knew of the Salvation Army on 23rd street but did not know of the Goodwill until one of the stylists on JJ's film mentioned it the other day in a conversation regarding 2nd hand shopping...
So I left work tonight and walked over there. I found so much stuff, and it was like Brooklyn Goodwill prices! I thought Manhattan would be the worst for thrifting. I got an Original Penguin lilac colored sweater, a Michael Stars Tee, an American Apparel Tee, a poofy sleeved striped top (super 80's), a brown retro coffee creamer and sugar bowl, a belt, earrings and i think a dress as well. It was so great,and like I said, I only spent $35.55. The guilt factor on these sort of shopping excursions is so much less, and the "hunt and find" is so much more fulfilling, I know I've expressed this before in past postings...I mean #1 your recycling and #2 the money you spend there is giving (partly), as proceeds go towards financing Goodwill programs.


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