Wednesday, March 15th, 2006
"The Almost Full Moon"
Coffee Settipani Bakery .75
Cafe 28 (bagel w/2 eggs) $2.17
Wollman Rink Central Park$18.25
Taxi $6.00
Russian Samovar $20.00 (vodka, puff pastry)
Taxi $6.00
Jesse's Deli on Atlantic (2 waters, carrots, tortellini)$8.73
Ice Skating in Central Park, finally...We really put it off this year, winter is nearing it's end (almost sounds like rearing its end). The Zamboni cracked into our evening on the ice though, it took a good 1/2 hour out of our skating time, and I of course was thinking, hey I paid for this! I want my money back! Kidding, but I did get the tax call from my father earlier in the evening, and it put me in a bit of a funk. Yes, my dad still does my taxes, if he didn't I'd be one of those assholes running to the mail box at the very last minute. The bad news is I owe the state, i get some cash back on federal, but all of that and then some will go to me paying the gosh darn state of New York, yet another reason to love this gorgeousness of a place. A little vodka at the good ol' Russian Samo patched things up a bit, but my head hurts today, and I stayed up way too late, tried to watch Dazed and Confused, with my boyfriend, but fell asleep after the first 5 minutes. The only financial observation I can make here today, un-clear headed as I am, is that I seem to spend more money and want to go out and have more fun when I'm concerned about money. money money money money blah blah blah blah, i'm cut off for today, with both spending and writing.
Am I growing more self conscious because I know there are a few of you out there actually reading this? I might just need a 3rd refresh on my morning coffee.
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