Weekend Update:
Sunday, March 12th, 2006
Jesse's Deli (coffee, power sandwich, water) $6.00
Car Service $20.00
Coffee and Banana Bread $4.00
Sunac Natural Foods $25.44 (groceries)
3 cans of Goya Juice at Deli $3.50
*Today I earned $111.00 in cash at Beacon's Closet selling spring clothes, and in trade got a pair of jeans and a spring jacket, that was in addition to the cash!
Saturday, March 11th, 2006
Joe's Busy Corner ("The Godfather" and an Iced Coffee)$7.00
Buffalo Exchange (shirt) $9.00
Cigs $8.00
* "the Godfather" is a sandwich consisting of proscuitto, provolone and fried egg
Friday, March 10th, 2006
Movie $11.00
Diet coke and 1 water at movie $5.50
1 Round of drinks at Bar 119 $16.00
Car home $5.00
Not allowed to mention the movie I saw on Friday, I promised my friends I wouldn't. It was really low-brow, and quite awful. But the fact that the 5 of us ladies all got together to go and see it was even more hillarious. We had fun. Saturday the weather was amazing, very Spring-like, and Doug and I walked around Smith St. where I got to watch him shop for Spring clothing items, like the great gingham jacket he bought, and a cute t-shirt with birds. It was a funny reverse of roles, most men have to get bored watching their women shop, I got near boredom watching him shop, I had to leave the store at one point and buy cigarettes...I went through my Spring clothes and put together a couple of bags to sell and donate. Beacon's Closet was surprisingly great about buying most everything, and what they didn't buy I donated, and walked out of there with some great items as well. The decision has been made by me, that I will try to keep only buying from the used clothing stores, it seems to not only help me with making a little extra cash on the side, getting new clothes in exchange for old clothes. Also the affordable clothes I do spend money on are never lacking in great style and sometimes a label that I would never be able to afford if new in the store.
What did you see?! What did you see?! Was it "Aquamarine" ?!?!?!?! I would bet $10 that it was.
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