Thursday, March 16th, 2006
Bodega on Smith St. (water, tylenol) $1.63
American Spirits (Cigs) $8.35
The Park Bar $14.00
Pac Foods (Chinese food)$10.00
One thing I've never been good at is saying no to a social event or drinks out with people, in this event I was asked to go out with work folks, and excusable drinking excursion called "networking". Even nights like last night when all I wanted to do was go home, watch a film and order in Chinese food, I opted to go out. Though I did manage to get the chinese food on my way home, I was a bit tipsy and passed out shortly after eating it...
The weirdly guilted dream came to me in my sleep last night, in one section of my dream (they are like movies, seriously) someone was talking behind my back and I could hear them saying, "that Nicole, she spends all of her money on drinking, she's such a loser, no wonder she never has any money." Partly true, dreams are so funny like that. Though sometimes I need to reprioritize my spending, like I really need new mascara and I just keep putting it off, or I need to save up for a digital camera so I can take good photos for this blog and stop pulling cheesy clip art off google images. Anybody wanna sponsor me for a new digi cam? kidding...But really, just reprioritizing in general is necessary, but also living life, having fun, and networking is part of who I am, if I gave that up, I don't think I'd be a happy person.
Today is St. Patty's Day, and I'm wearing so much green I could puke!! I was getting dressed thinking to myself, why am I such a nerd? Even my hoop earrings are green, and yet I'm not even Irish. It's like I'm a kindergarten teacher and I'm wearing my "special holiday outfit". But, ya gotta love the Irish! I've got some Callaghans in the family and today is a big day for them, a day I also get really nostalgic for Chicago, the parade, the green Chicago River, the drunks... I got off the train at Union Square and walked to work from there, I listened to Sinead O'Conner (suitable for the occasion)on my ipod, and I thought about Chicago, the river being dyed green (though it tends to look green year-round anyway), and then I remembered this drink I loved as a kid, Green River, a favorite amongst Midwesterners.
I almost picked up some Shamrock cookies to bring to the office today, and then I stopped myself, another unnecessary purchase, and they probably wouldn't have even tasted good. At this point it's only 10:30 am and I'm already greened out, I want to go home and change my clothes.
Darling Nikki,
I say, Fuck your dream naysayers! It's your natural vivaciousness that makes everyone love you, and that buoyancy is manifested in everything you do, from your social interactions (which include drinking!) to your green on St. Patty's Day. So who cares? You're right, just enjoy life as you do, and keep buying the $4 hats!
Darling Nikki,
I say, Fuck your dream naysayers! It's your natural vivaciousness that makes everyone love you, and that buoyancy is manifested in everything you do, from your social interactions (which include drinking!) to your green on St. Patty's Day. So who cares? You're right, just enjoy life as you do, and keep buying the $4 hats!
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