Friday, April 28th, 2006
Coffee Settipani Bakery .75
Coffee (some place in Long Island City) $1.50
Bottle of water $1.00
Dinner and wine (some place in Long Island City)$24.00
Thursday, April 27th, 2006
Coffee Settepani Bakery .75
American Spirits $7.25
Daffy's (white leggings) $6.99
Ticket for dance performance at The Chocolate Factory $16.50
I think the funny story here is the reason behind the purchase of white leggings at Daffy's. Not a usual purchase to be making at 10:30am. See, I haven't got a full length mirror in this apartment (a necessary purchase to make, like today). So, I left the house in my new spring dress, feeling so good. At work in the morning my boss called me upstairs to the Penthouse where the sun was brightly filling the room. As I approached the office they tell me that my dress is completly see through! You could see it all, red underwear and all! So, I was sent out of the office on a mad slip hunt, with my yellow sweatshirt wrapped around my waist to avoid cat calls from the street along the way. Apparently skirt slips are not as easy to come across in this day and age, so I settled for the white leggings.
The dance perfomance in Long Island City was awesome. Rebecca Davis, had a piece that started off the night called "The Birds Are Here. I Hear Them". The piece started off with each of the performers handing gift bags to each audience member, and inside was a huggable teddy bear for each of us to hug onto while the performance shifted into very mesmerizing movement by the dancers with an intelligent and unique sound design. The the second half of the performance we were taken like prisoners into a dark basement, seated by dancer with flashlights for Ursula Eagly's performance "Nobody Try To Be a Hero".
A piece inspired by the Moscow theater hostage crisis, the dancers hold us as audience members hostage, in a very clever perfomance style, the dancers interrogate the audience, but with a comical edge. The girl on my right was passing me kisses and hugs, while the girl on my left was passing me cold hot dogs and noodles. I guess you just had to be there.