Weekend Update:
Sunday, November 13th, 2005 30-Day MetroCard $76.00
Burrito by
McCarren Park and water $7.50
The Garden, grocery store (Cereal, beets, soy milk...)$13.57
Saturday, November 12, 2005Duane Reade (shampoo, soap, eye shadow...)$27.28
Nicky's Vitnamese sandwich. $4.27
Urban Outfitter's (skirt & 2 sweaters) $62.59
Cocktail at
151 Rivington $7.00
Cocktails at
Les Enfants Terribles $29.00
Friday, November 11, 2005Coffee 88 Orchard $2.00
Pride & Prejudice (Lowes 18th&Bway) $10.75
Medium Popcorn $5.00
Cocktails at Cherry Tavern $11.00
Vodka Soda at 2A $7.00
This weekend the weather was spectacular, getting up to about 65, sun shining. it felt like early October. On Friday M and I have been trying to have movie dates after work, it's a pleasant way to start the weekend, and end the work week. She's a big Jane Austen fan, so we went to see Pride and Prejudice. We didn't cry, knowing us, I thought we would have...Saturday I slipped, I wasn't going to shop, and I have NO money to be shopping with. I was running errands and having a snack, and a woman walked by with an Urban Outfitter's bag slung over her shoulder, all of the sudden I caught myself asking her where it was! Turns out there is a massive Fall sale, and I leave there with a skirt and 2 new sweaters. PMS enduces these shopping impulses, sometimes I just feel better after buying, or I just end up feeling guilty days later when the bank statement comes.
saturday night was fun, it was a birthday bash for D's friend Z, and we had a fun night out. Sunday then continued my aparment hunt, and it looks as if the mission has been accomplished. What a relief...It was nice to be back in my old neighborhood yesterday, R&B met me in the park for a picnic lunch, burrito and taco style.