Where it all goes, a spent journal

a young woman's year-long journal of the money she spends.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Settepani Bakery .75
American Spirit Cigs 8.00
Cab Home $12.00

I have got to quit smoking again, not only is it bad for my skin, my lungs, my heart and my health overall, it's terribly expensive, and killing my budget. I was going to just go home and curl up last night, but Jason and I (editor at work) ended up kicking a few back at a bar nearby. At a certain point of drunkeness, I just avoid the L train and hop in a cab, my cab driver last night would not pull over and let me get a slice, I was so hungry. What a jerk. I ended up eating saltines with butter on them for dinner, delish!

*Groceries are rarely bought by me in the household, the most beautiful fringe benefit of working in post-production, the free meals and a fully stocked fridge!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Wednedsay, March 1st, 2006

Coffee Settepani Bakery .75
Starbucks- Skim Latte $3.36
Soon Salon (in between haircut) $10.00
Tip for Stylist $5.00
Davines Glossy Plastine no. 6 $23.00

The problem with hair as short as mine, ironically, is that you have to get short hair cut all the time. I was actually just reading in Vogue(March 06) about Natalie Portman's "shocking new crop", come on people, like she's the first person in Hollywood to cut off her long locks, puh-lease. Personally, I think she looks stunning with that haircut! Anyway, she was saying how much she had to get her new crop, "cropped" or else she just looks like a science experiment. True it is, and I've found this great place Soon Beauty Lab, that offer to their customers an "in between haircut", for $10.00. Perfect for my little back of the neck over the ear clean-up...
But here's the deal the cut was cheap, and I was proud of my score on that end, then the stylist rubs some heavenly Italian goop on my hair, and I find myself buying it. What can I say, a girl's gotta look and feel like a woman, and a little product always seems to help!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tuesday, February 28th,2006

Coffee Settepani Bakery .75
American Spirit Cigs 8.00
Chat n' Chew (dinner with Rachel) $40.00

The book arrived for me yesterday, the Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking.
Rachel sent it to my work as a gift, seeing as my first attempt at quitting was a total failure...I haven't picked it up yet, because I'm reading the other book "Not Buying It" which I've written about a couple of times in previous postings. Part of me is a wee bit scared to start reading it, and part of me is not quite convinced on how this book has helped millions quit permanently, but it's worth a shot. I have heard many success stories, maybe I'll be one of the next on the road to s-u-cc-e-ss.
I finally got off work at a decent, well normal hour today, so Rachel and I met up for dinner. My remaining time with her as a New Yorker, soon to be Chicagoan once again is ticking away! My treat we ate junk food at Chat n' Chew and topped it off with a Coca-Cola chocolate cake (really good stuf for the ever increasing love handles).
P.S. If you're wondering who the picture of this fella is, no it's not my boyfriend! It's the man himself, Allen Carr!
**another money saving tip when it comes to downloading music, (legit).
Joel wrote from Chicago seeing that I paid $9.99 for the Cat Power Album on iTunes, and told me about a site eMusic, check it. I started my free trial today.

Monday, February 27th, 2006

Coffee Settepani Bakery .75
Cab Home from work $10.00
Film Noir (Late fee for overdue Six Feet Under) $20.00
Fresca Tortilla (black beans and rice, veggie quesedilla) $5.38

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sunday, February 26th, 2006

Bell Howell keychain camera
(Overstock.com)24.99 Free Shipping!

This is why I have money issues, I spend it on stupid shit like this. I've been on the market for a new digital camera, especially so I can take real pictures for this blog, and not use clip art, images like this one with the hand model with a funny looking chubby thumb, and if you look close enough hairy knuckles.
Not even thinking, I should read the specs on this item before hitting "continue with purchase", but i just hit "continue with purchase". Then I read the specs on amazon.com (you can read them too, just open the amazon link), and most people tear it to pieces, and basically it's a one star piece of crapola.
Doug picked the book up Not Buying It for me on Friday night. I talked about it in a post a week or so past. Just getting into it, and hoping her experiment and observations make me think twice and change my consumerist ways.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

Forever 21 (shirt, bracelet) $13.86
Supreme Trading $7.00 (vodka)
The Royal Oak $20.00 (round of drinks)
Pete's Candy Store $10.00 (vodka)

Look at me, this is what they call "bar hopping" huh?
Another stupid way to spend money and wake up feeling shitty in the morning.
A night out with Karne and Melissa, we noticed everyone in Williamsburg is so young, and so "wicky"(click on wicky to see the root and meaning of the word). We usually like the Royal Oak for the dance party in the back room, but we were dissapointed to see that in just a year the place had changed.